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Supplement to registrar-general's seventy-fifth annual report. Part III: Registration summary tables, 1901-1910

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-vi) Title page & contents
(Page vii) Introductory remarks
(92 pages)Contract subtree Review by Dr. Stevenson
(Page ix) Origin and development of report
(Pages ix-xi) Notes on contents
(Pages xi-xiv)Expand subtree Mean populations
(Pages xiv-xvi)Expand subtree Marriages
(Pages xlvii-xcvii)Expand subtree Causes of death
(Pages xcvii-c)Expand subtree Natural increase
(132 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages cii-cxvi) 1. England and Wales, registration counties, and registration districts: Annual marriage-rates and birth-rates, 1901-10, crude death-rates, 1891-1900, crude and standardized death-rates, infant mortality, and rate of natural increase, 1901-10
(Pages cxvii-cliv)Expand subtree 2. England and Wales, registration counties, and registration districts: Annual death-rate per 100000 living among children under five years of age, from all causes and from several causes, 1901-10
(Pages clv-clvii) 3. Registration counties: Annual death-rates per 1000 living at different periods of life, 1901-10. Males, females, and persons
(Pages clviii-clxxii) 4. England and Wales: Causes of death at different periods of life, 1901-10. Males, females, and persons
(Pages clxxiii-clxxiv) 5. England and Wales: Method of suicide at different periods of life, 1901-10. Males and females
(Pages clxxv-clxxxv) 6. England and Wales: Incidence of mortality from various causes at different periods of life, among males, females, and persons, 1901-10
(Pages clxxxvi-cxcv) 7. England and Wales: Age incidence of mortality from several causes and groups of causes, 1901-10
(Pages cxcvi-cc) 8. Registration counties: Annual crude rate of mortality at all ages from several causes, per 100000 living, 1901-10
(Pages cci-cciii) 9. England and Wales: Annual mortality from the principal causes per million living at all ages and at 11 groups of ages among males, females, and persons, 1901-10
(Pages cciv-ccxi) 10. England and Wales: Annual mortality from several causes per million living at all ages and 11 groups of ages among males, females, and persons in successive decennia, 1851-1910
(Pages ccxii-ccxvii) 11. Urban and rural counties: Annual mortality from several causes per million living at all ages and at 11 groups of ages among males, females, and persons, 1891-1900 and 1901-10
(Pages ccxviii-ccxix) 12. England and Wales: Mortality of infants and young children in the quinquennium, 1906-10, males
(Pages ccxx-ccxxi) 13. England and Wales: Mortality of infants and young children in the quinquennium, 1906-10, females
(Pages ccxxii-ccxxiii) 14. England and Wales: Mortality of infants and young children in the quinquennium, 1906-10, both sexes
(Pages ccxxiv-ccxxv) 15. Urban counties: Mortality of infants and young children in the quinquennium, 1906-10, both sexes
(Pages ccxxvi-ccxxvii) 16. Rural counties: Mortality of infants and young children in the quinquennium, 1906-10, both sexes
(Page ccxxviii) 17. England and Wales: Mortality of infants and young children in the three quinquennia, 1896-1900, 1901-5, and 1906-10, both sexes
(Pages ccxxix-ccxxxii) 18. England and Wales: Changes in classification of causes of death, 1901
(761 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 1) Explanatory notes
(Pages 2-747)Expand subtree Mean population, marriages, births, and deaths, with annual rates per 1000 during the decennium, 1901-10, in England and Wales, registration counties, and registration districts
(Pages 748-751) Total deaths in certain public institutions, 1901-10
(Pages 752-761) Changes in registration districts, 1901-10
(5 pages)Contract subtree Indexes
(Pages 762-764) Index of registration districts
(Page 764) Index of urban districts co-extensive with registration districts on 31st December, 1910
(Page 765) Index of rural districts co-extensive with registration districts on 31st December, 1910